Our Research Papers
FenuSMART ® is safe and helps in reducing sexual issues in women.
Safety and influence of a novel extract of fenugreek on healthy young women: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled
Journal of clinical phytoscience, 2021
Dosage - 250 x 2/day
Result - FenuSMART® can be considered as a natural alternative for reducing sexual problems among healthy women.
FenuSMART ® alleviated post and peri menopausal discomforts
A Novel Extract of Fenugreek Husk (FenuSMART®) Alleviates Postmenopausal Symptoms and Helps to Establish the Hormonal Balance: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study
Journal of Phytotherapy Research, 2016
No of subjects – 44
Dosage – 1000mg / day
Result – FenuSMART® may be used as a safe and natural botanical supplement for postmenopausal discomforts.
FenuSMART ® helps in reducing leg pain and vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women
Phytoestrogenic effect of fenugreek seed extract helps in ameliorating the leg pain and vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women: A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study
Journal of Pharma Nutrition, 2020
No of Subjects – 48
Dosage – 250x2 /day
Result – Supplementation of FenuSMART® showed a significant reduction in vasomotor symptoms and leg pain.
FenuSMART ® helps in reducing vasomotor symptoms and depression in perimenopausal women
Efficacy of a novel extract of fenugreek seeds in alleviating vasomotor symptoms and depression in perimenopausal women: A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study
Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2020
No of subjects – 48
Dosage – 250x2 /day
Result – FenuSMART® can be a potential natural agent for managing perimenopausal discomforts
FenuSMART ® is safe and efficacious
Toxicological evaluation of a saponin-rich standardized extract of fenugreek seeds (FenuSMART®): Acute, sub-chronic and genotoxicity studies
Journal of toxicology reports, 2018
No of subjects – In Wistar rats
Dosage - Oral acute (2500 mg/kg b. wt. for 14days)
Subchronic (250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg b. wt. for 90 days)
Result – Based on the results of the study, the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) of FenuSMART ® was determined at 1000mg/Kg b. wt./day, the highest dose tested.